Important Laser Information - DermaHealth

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Important Laser Information

Answers to the most frequent questions about laser hair removal: How to get the best results with laser hair removal?

We have chosen the of LightSheer Deut and the Mediostar Pro XL as they are among the most advanced laser hair removal machines in terms of comfort, effectiveness, safety and speed.

How do lasers remove hair?

The lasers work by producing a concentrated pulse of light in a fraction of a second that goes to the area to be treated. The pulse passes through the patient’s skin and is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle into, where the light energy turns into heat energy, inactivating hair growth.

Is laser hair removal safe during pregnancy?

There has not been enough research to confirm the safety of laser hair removal during pregnancy and therefore we recommend not to perform laser hair removal during pregnancy.

When does the hair fall after laser treatment?

Some devices with short wavelengths burn the visible part of the hair during the session, but with modern laser hair removal machines, with longer waves directed to the root or hair follicle and hairs feeding them, hair appears to grow but within 3 weeks fall off due to the damage of the hair roots.

Is Laser Hair Removal permanent?

Permanent means forever, nobody can promise this.  The realistic description of the benefits of laser hair removal is the long-term elimination of most hair by 80% to 90% after 6 to 8 sessions. Hair growth is usually milder and thinner. The patient may need other sessions at variable intervals.

Why do we need from 6 to 8 sessions?

The hair follicle undergoes cycles of activity and inactivity. The laser beams can damage the hair follicle during the active phase of its growth cycle. At any time, 30% to 75% of the hair are in the active stage and in about one third or one quarter of the hair follicles contain enough melanin dye to absorb the laser. In most cases, the patient may need another session after months to a year

How can we make the most of the treatment session?

– Do not use the methods that rely of epilating, or pulling out hair roots for a period of four to six weeks before treatment as the laser beam needs to be absorbed by the melanin in the hair roots.

– The razor can be used to remove hair 24 hours before treatment, as it preserves the hair roots for the laser to target.

– Avoid sun exposure to acquire or tanning weeks before treatment. Anti-sunscreen creams may be used if sun exposure is necessary.  Tanned skin competes with the hair melanin for the laser energy and might burn easily.

– Do not cover areas to be treated with cosmetics or make-up creams as creams might be a barrier to laser.

How long does the laser session take?

With regular laser machines, it depends on the size of the treatment area, ranging from about (two minutes) for the upper lip to an hour for the back.  However with the MedioStar Pro XL or LightSheer Duet, with large laser spot size, treatment might be performed in 10 minutes.

How to avoid Laser Hair Removal complications or side effects?

–  Avoid intensive exposure to the sun to acquire a tan.

–  Delay laser hair removal in cases of skin irritation such as sunburn or ulcers

–  Hair removal using a Razor is recommended 24 hours before the laser, but epilating methods are stopped 2 weeks before the laser session.

–  Dely the laser session for a week after the use of acne ointments such as Retin A.

What to expect after Laser Hair Removal?

–  There may be some natural redness and cool compresses can help.

–  Skin moisturizers are recommended

–  It is preferable to use sunscreen with a high protection degree (30) or higher for two weeks.

When is laser hair removal not advisable?

– After direct exposure to the sun for long periods without the use of sunscreen creams

– Pregnancy, because there are not enough safety studies.

– Menstrual Cycle disorders where hair growth may be caused by a hormonal disorder.

– Immediately after the use of epilating hair removal methods

– Diseases of convulsions and epilepsy that are not yet controlled to avoid inducing an episode.

– vitiligo

– The presence of fresh wounds or skin infections

– History of keloids after woulds or surgery.

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